Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Most pressing issue in the world today

Political polarization. The basic definition of which is, an individual’s political attitude has shifted towards the extreme when presented with political ideologies. All over the world this issue prevails. Politics today have reached a point where no middle ground seems to exist. Currently the extreme right and extreme left have come to a point where if you do not agree with either ideology then you are simply an observer and are doing nothing to further your political or moral beliefs. Political polarization breeds a culture of ignorance since both sides are unwilling to learn or hear another perspective. Everywhere political polarization only increases the divide among the residents of a country as well as decrease their confidence in the current government or possibly the regime. Today more than ever it is important to find compromise in order to progress and take action when needed.

Political polarization has led to the rise in extreme governments which in turn create extreme policies. Brexit has been occurring for quite some time with negotiations leading nowhere since no one is happy with the end result of any previously presented deal. With the rise of Boris Johnson, after Theresa May’s multiple unsuccessful attempts at producing a deal, a no deal Brexit seems to be the most likely outcome of this situation. A no deal Brexit will leave Britain to figure out new trade partners and form a different taxation system for European goods, businesses and banks will go through a recession until they are able to figure out where their headquarters should be and what the new tariffs will look like. Countries which depend upon Great Britain such as Ireland will also be largely affected by this sudden change. There are roads which cross the border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland quite often and will lead to many difficulties if each time citizens must show their passport when trying to get to work. Trade between Ireland and Great Britain will also have to be rethought out which in turn will affect the Irish economy. On another note, immigration is a hot topic issue no matter where you go in the world, but with extreme governments in place the legislation or lack of it has proven to be detrimental to immigrants as well as refugees around the world. Extreme right governments are not very welcoming and often try to enact policy which will negatively impact the ease of entering that particular country. Whereas on the other hand extreme left governments will allow immigrants as well as refugees or other asylum seekers into their country with few obstacles, but soon realize they do not have sufficient infrastructure to support the influx of people.

Overall political polarization will only lead to issues remaining unsolved, increasing divisions among the population, and a culture of close minded ignorance since no one is able to listen to one another. Communication, understanding, and compromise are three key components to potentially reducing the increase of political polarization.


  1. Political polarization is indeed a concerning issue, although I would say it seems to be an issue that manifests itself more in countries with first-past-the-post electoral systems like the United States, the United Kingdom, India, and Nigeria. I find it interesting though how in the United Kingdom, numerous surveys seem to confirm the fact that the great political cleavage now is not left versus right, but Remain versus Leave in respect to the Brexit process. So I think that while political polarization is occurring on traditional ideological lines, it is also occurring on cultural and geographic lines. There is not just polarization between left and right, but also between cosmopolitanism and communitarianism.

  2. Yes political polarization often occurs in countries with the first past the post electoral system, however that is why the issue is so pressing. The countries you listed "the United States, the United Kingdom, India, and Nigeria" are very important especially economically to the rest of the world. What occurs in these countries and the problems they are enduring can ripple out to affect others. As far as the cleavage in Great Britain Remain versus Leave, I believe that is left versus right as well. The more right leaning individuals prefer to leave and not have to answer any larger entity but themselves which reflects nationalist right sentiments. The left focused individuals are inclined to stay in the EU and benefit from the social programs offered. I do agree that cleavages are not only occurring on ideological lines, but also cultural and geographic lines.
