Thursday, December 5, 2019

#15 Class Participation Post (ym)

     Starting off my last class participation post about the simulation! I truly enjoyed the mixed emotions during the simulation as the Japanese delegation. 
"We are going to dredge into the ocean".
That is literally how the Japanese delegation felt throughout the simulation, because most of the representatives wanted to discuss about Issue II. I was totally forgetting the fact that there were more representatives of institutions and organizations than the countries. Issue I, short-term goals for the refugees was not really important for those institutions. I could have noticed that earlier, and raised my hand in the very beginning of the simulation so that we could have started discussing from Issue I, which was more effective for delegations such as Japan and China. Well overall, regardless of the fact that we could only add a term, I wished the delegate of Kiribati was here along with some more countries of the pacific. (I appreciate the fact that PTJ noticed how desperate I wanted to raise my hand to move onto Issue I, and told Gabby so that Japan could speak and move on.)

     "the Dream has not come true. It may be that it has no home."
When I first read this quote, the word "Dream" caught me into my eyes. Afterwards, the quote made a lot more sense. "Of course." I was telling myself in my mind, "A dream cannot have any homes, because there is no endpoint for any dreams. It continues to develop, so we are not able to achieve them."

     An interesting question we did not get to answer was: Does society has dreams? Although I could not come up with an answer during class, as I was thinking about it, I think all societies have their own dreams. People, also, have a natural curiosity about dreams. However, because of the lack of resources, usually dreams have low priority within any civilized societies. As a consequence, little or no attempt is made to encourage their pursuit or to provide the necessary means to do so. While answering this question by typing out here, I was thinking about the dream of the world. I cam up with an answer of: No, the world does not have any dreams because there is not any perspective from the "world". Some may argue that the United Nations or some international institutions can be the representation of the world. However, as we have discussed in the very beginning of this World Politics class, the definitions of "world" and "international" are different. Therefore, although "world peace" might be one of the dreams in the world today, I do not think that is necessary the dream of the world.

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