Sunday, November 24, 2019

Cool finds

This week was cool cool. Yes, I know I repeated cool twice, but think this week was deserving of two. In World Politics we spent this week discussing two parts of the novel The Conquest of America. Our Monday discussion was the one I preferred just because I felt like I had more to contribute to the conversation. I understood what we were discussing and the plan was laid out before us. Whereas on Thursday the power was given to the class to decide how to structure our discussion. During this time, I found myself confused on what the question was that we were supposed to be analyzing, but as I am now looking back on it I realize that I need to be more adaptable to a classroom where the power is given to the many. Although I did not fully grasp what we were discussing and analyzing within our class time, I feel like I still understand the novel and the various concepts it was trying to impress upon me. Maybe that was why it was so difficult to have a substantial conversation about this part. As far as my resolution to learn to be more adaptable in a classroom, I have come to the conclusion that I have never been in an environment where the students are in charge within an academic arena. I know myself to be a very adaptable individual within the world outside of a classroom, but after Thursday could I truly identify myself as adaptable if I had trouble connecting to the purpose of that class? I believe it was a great learning experience for me on a personal level, and I now I will be prepared for the next time a class is held in this manner.

Besides the World Politics in my life, I found myself consumed by my other academic classes along with my personal time. I have been going to the gym more which is surprising since I usually hate gyms, I prefer exercising outside. However, a good friend of mine is my inspiration to go and she truly makes my gym time seem worthwhile. She also seems to have a particular talent of providing an exercise routine that makes me sore for two days after. Honestly nothing of extreme not happened this week, everything has been pretty similar to my regular routine: work on Monday and Tuesday, babysit Wednesday, my usual busy Thursday and Friday. But, on Saturday after buying some much needed winter necessities which unfortunately were not in stock within my California wardrobe; I decided to do work at a coffee shop in DC. Honestly, it was amazing. My time spent at this wonderful establishment made my whole week. I arrived there and the vibe was immediately one that I intimately identified with. The staff were extremely kind and I ordered some avocado toast and a chai latte. It was delicious! The avocado toast was made on toasted baguette with olive oil, smashed avocado, tomatoes, as well as microgreens. The avocados were smashed, but there were still chunky bits which is my favorite consistency for avocado toast. Personally, I truly love avocado toast and have had the pleasure of indulging in many different kinds. I have to say this avocado toast made top 5, especially if the café atmosphere is included. I was able to finish a lot of work and I did not even have to use my music, because they were playing my music out loud. Needless to say, I will be going back.

Woohoo week #something has passed!

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