In the tenth paper, Madison mentions that destroying liberty is a "cure worse than the disease itself". Our media, is one of the biggest signs of liberty that we have. There are many different places one can get their information, and for the most part the media isn't censored, and the US hasn't destroyed liberty at all with this new media age, it has become even more free. Many new people and peoples that weren't previously able to contribute to conversations, are now more educated, and with the media are able to connect and converse with more people, on all spectrums. During the time of the federalist papers, only a small group of people were educated and considered educated enough to have been able to contribute to educated conversations, upper white males. Nowadays, anyone can be educated and can be considered educated, and with the media as an open playing field, conversation can happen anytime and about a broad range of subjects.
The media also expands and creates new factions. As Madison wrote, in large republics with people of all types, factions would be numerous but because they would be smaller and one of many, they would be able to check each other and prevent clashes from happening. Having the media, as mentioned before, creates new factions, more than perhaps Madison could have foreseen or imagined. With more and more factions being created by the media, they are all checking each other, and not letting any one group consolidate power.
My two examples of the media being a good force, I do not believe any change would need to happen, and that the media would be supported by the federalists.
- Eli
Hey Eli! You mentioned the idea of different factions created by the media checking each other, but do you also think the different media sources check themselves? For example, there is an ongoing rivalry between news sources such as Fox and CNN. Does having both sources promote democracy or do they just further polarization?
ReplyDeleteI wonder how these different factions play into another phenomenon that we are seeing: the polarization of the electorate. Have Madison's worst fears been realized, and do we now have factions that are almost majorities?
ReplyDeleteI do think that in a way, that is happening, especially now that some media stations are swallowing others. If they aren't checked, then I perhaps Madison's fears will be realized.
Delete- Eli
I love the concept you introduce about the factions having the potential to check each other. However, this new age of social media has kicked open the door and allowed almost everyone access and the ability to publish stories, even if they are false. Do you think something like that could create some societal divisions?
ReplyDeleteOnce again, you say so much with so few words--I am amazed and jealous at the same time. In regards to your argument about social media creating more factions and that those factions will check one another (in terms of power/authority)--I agree with that statement. However, there seems to be factions whose presence on social media is increasing not only in its size, but also in its power to control the narrative/informations provided on social media. With regards to this phenomena--would your argument on the positive effects of social media still be relevant?