Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Perfect Potion

I believe constructivism as portrayed by Shotter is idealistic. However, we need idealism in order for international cooperation to prosper. Societies are shaped by their experiences and the experiences of the people within them. Identity differs depending on where you are, what language you speak, and age. All 3 of these combine to create how people present themselves which in turn forms the common construct for how governments then present themselves. These identities can change rapidly in order to interact with the ecology of a presented situation.
I believe international relations and relations in general depend upon communication and precedent. States must try to understand one another and the value of their relationship and how it is important to their identity in terms of others perspective. Idealism may seem like ideas that could never happen but truly it is within idealism that advancement is initiated and progress is created. Within the article Shotter presents the point that arguments are settled by giving good reasons. My belief is that issues can be resolved if you provide support for your argument that benefits both parties engaged. The good reasons can change depending on what is required or what is being explored within the argument, but they must allow both sides to gain something.
A mixture of realism, liberalism and constructivism is needed in order to have a flourishing state. Incorporating principals of all three of these disciplines and excelling at utilizing them will further legitimize a regime within a country and allow the government to have a more prominent international presence. However, those in charge are human and humans make mistakes as well allow emotions to control them such as greed and thirst for power. The idealism found in constructivism is critics recognizing how far the power of words and dialogue will work without mixing in liberal and realist tactics. Even though it is a movie The Arrival is a perfect example of how differences in language and identity can be overcome without the use of force or a demonstration of power. Using methods of communication is a beautiful solution to exerting dominance without an abuse of strength. Countries who are able to cooperate and peacefully interact while maintaining their reputation and identity of economic and military power are examples of the three disciplines being wonderfully integrated within a state.


  1. First of all, I love how you concluded this blog post. I personally appreciate the part where you specifically stated the idealism in constructivism. I was wondering when I was reading your blog post, how do the three parts in an identity (where you are, what languages you speak, and age) each affects an ideal society for a constructivist?

  2. Thank you!
    I believe each of those three parts are integral to someone's identity. A state consists of people and their identities help form the state's identity. Constructivism places a large emphasis on identity and how it affects interactions. I believe those three areas can be seen as idealist just because of the role they play within identity and how identity is an integral part of constructivism which people believe is idealistic as a concept.
